Hepatitis and Tiens Products

Hepatitis and Tiens Products


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Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver. The different types of hepatitis are caused by different things, but they all produce inflammation of the liver. Viral hepatitis refers to several common contagious diseases caused by viruses that attack the liver. The most important types of viral hepatitis are hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C. Newly discovered forms of viral hepatitis also include hepatitis D, E, and G. Non-viral forms of hepatitis can be caused by toxic agents (drugs or chemicals), alcohol, or autoimmune processes. Another form of hepatitis is toxic hepatitis. Toxic hepatitis can be caused by viruses or by liver damage due to toxic substances. Toxic hepatitis is a deterioration of the liver cells caused by chemicals, alcohol, drugs, and industrial compounds. Alcohol abuse is a common cause of toxic liver damage.

Hepatitis C is a viral infection of the liver. Some patients have a mild, acute infection that disappears without treatment. When the infection continues for six or more months, it is known as chronic hepatitis C, which can be marked by fatigue and liver function impairment. Those with chronic hepatitis C have an increased risk of later developing cirrhosis or liver cancer.

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